Serie N° 86: Tecnología para la transparencia legislativa.
Chile is in the middle of process of accession, implementation and improvement of transparency and ethical standards in the National Congress and the political party system. This constitutes a major challenge for the Chilean Congress, which on the one hand means that it must improve its mechanisms of social control, through the access to information, and by the other hand must approve a catalog of laws to do effective the responsibility of our representatives. The road is long and full of challenges. Often difficult to concretize initiatives and achieve agreements, particularly when it comes to guiding principles of any activity governed by law, and even more if we consider the dynamic activity of the legislative power, pillar of our democracy. As the Library of Congress, we have been defined between our lines of action, manage and disseminate information relating to the work of parliamentarians and the law formation process. For that have been explored various technologies, in order to take on the challenge of a new way of looking at the parliamentary work and the law formation process, which is not only a challenge from the point of view of transparency, also in how these technologies are incorporated into our processes , through tools such as the Akoma Ntoso standard, which allows to concretize the knowledge, use and reuse of information on the activities of our congressmen, to citizens, in a friendly way, free, open and proactive in reusable formats.