Serie N° 89: Panorama de las bibliotecas municipales francesas: Visión de un ciudadano.
New technologies impact daily our social reality. Documentation and books access are no an exception to this progressing revolution. Currently many studies appears in the countries of the northern hemisphere analyzing how all these New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC ) should be integrated into the public library organization and within documentary access. One response to this situation is the progression of libraries towards a dynamic social responsibility in order to coordinate and develop public energies. However, solutions aimed to absorb the technological shock and to steer towards positive action in developed countries, scope on very different realities, far away from those of our Latin American performances. "Northern" solutions are historically justified within countries having widespread social well-being bound policies firmly anchored in wealthy communities, far-off from our social construction. Temptation of applying a simple transcription of these solutions into the Latin America reality inexorably leads to a misfit when applied to different worlds. Simple distribution of computers, as a demagogic behaviour, shows the poor quality of analysis and a lack of a real cultural and pedagogic policy. It is absolutely essential to study those proposals and solutions, currently experiencing in the Nordic countries, and try to make an "intelligent translation" which matches to the Latin American reality.