Revista de Modelamiento Matemático de Sistemas Biológicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 40
Temporal dynamics of alcohol consumption patterns: The peer pressure and binge drinkers’ role.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-08)Alcohol consumption is a problem of both social and health interest since consumption at an early age increases the probability of developing alcohol dependence, along with a series of risks associated with diseases, ... -
When shape matters: using a simple mathematical model to estimate critical area sizes in conservation.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-08)In the analysis of anthropogenic impact on the environment arises the question of whether the shapes of preserved habitat fragments play an important role in the conservation of wild species. In this work we use a very ... -
An algorithm for the identification of indicator taxonomic units and their use in analyses of ecosystem state.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-08)Biological community structure can be used as an ecological state descriptor, and the sensitivity of some taxonomic groups or biological entities to environmental conditions allows for their use as ecological state indicators. ... -
Modelos Metapoblacionales y su importancia en ecología: más allá de Richard Levins.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-04)The study of metapopulations has played a fundamental role in our understanding Spatial Ecology, Metacommunities and Biogeography, among other areas. Richard Levins, defined the metapopulation as a system of local populations ... -
A metapopulations epidemic model and its measures for potential mitigation.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-04)Strategies attempting to reduce the impact of Covid19 attempted harnessing available geo-spatial, demographic, and behavioural data. Such data has shown to be extremely useful for identifying drivers behind the transmission ... -
Un modelo de población animal afectada por una enfermedad tipo SIR y fragmentación de hábitat.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-04)This work presents a mathematical model that assumes the existence of an animal population that, from an epidemiological point of view, is being affected by an infectious disease of the SIR type and, from an ecological ... -
Metastatic papillary thyroid cancer under treatment with different I-131 protocols: a mathematical model.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-04)A mathematical model was used to study numerically, the metastatic papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) response to protocols of treatment with radioiodine I-131 (RAI), considering different values for the RAI efficiency ratio. ... -
Modelación de la propagación de la COVID-19: contribución prospectiva a las políticas de salud en México a partir del R0.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)In this work we present results from epidemiological modeling to describe the propagation of COVID-19 in Mexico, at the national and federal entity levels. In the model we consider that the basic reproductive number, R0, ... -
Influencia del efecto Allee en las presas y de la colaboración entre los depredadores en un modelo de depredación del tipo Leslie-Gower.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)Usually in the real world the interactions between predators and their prey are influenced by several behaviors of both prey and predators. Collaboration or cooperation between predators is one of these behaviors, which ... -
Efecto de una mortalidad diferenciada por rasgos fenotípicos sobre la distribución genotípica: un modelo impulsivo para el caso mendeliano.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)A diploid, closed, panmictic population that supports a Malthusian growth model is compartmentalized according to its genotype, for a specific locus, into three subpopulations: two homozygous and one heterozygous. Under ... -
When optimal is not the best: Cost-effectiveness analysis for HPV epidemic models.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)For this, we consider a two-sex epidemic model for the transmission dynamics of HPV which includes screening, vaccination of adolescent boys and girls, and vaccination of sexually active adults. We first propose public ... -
The Big Ifs in The Outcomes of Species Interactions: Review and Insights from the Interaction Function (IF) Model
(2021)The conceptual framework for species interactions calls for a new perspective: conditional outcomes are not rare; but, rather, closer to the norm. Interactions may shift or switch between beneficial and detrimental following ... -
Sobre el conjunto de umbrales sostenibles
(2021)Hacer operativo el concepto de sostenibilidad es un desafío importante en la gestión de recursos naturales, problemas de conservación de la biodiversidad, el cambio climático y la epidemiología, entre otros. Diferentes ... -
Growth and Extinction in Randomly Varying Environments: Modelling and Optimization Using Stochastic Differential Equations
(2021)This paper presents a brief overview of a range of applications of stochastic differential equations (SDE) in describing the growth of wildlife populations living in randomly varying environments and the associated risks ... -
Elucidating the Role Played by Cancer Stem Cells in Cancer Growth
(2021)The cancer stem cell hypothesis states that cancer growth is propelled by a relatively small number of cancer stem cells (CSCs). These CSCs have been shown to play a crucial role in the growth and recurrence of many tumor ... -
Distribución de especies. Un punto de vista teórico
(2021)Entender los mecanismos y procesos que determinan la distribución de las especies, su abundancia y los patrones de biodiversidad que generan, es uno de los grandes retos para la ecología y de manera particular para la ... -
Comparison of two mathematical models for the Echinococcus multilocularis-red foxes-rodents interactions
(2021)The paper sets up two mathematical models for the Echinococcus multilocularis’s life cycle in the environment. Herbivores are the intermediate hosts, harboring its larval stage, while carnivores host the adults. From the ... -
An Inverse Problem in the Mathematical Modelling of our Sense of Smell
(2021)The first step in our sensing of smell is the conversion of chemical odorants into electrical signals. This happens when odorants stimulate ion channels along cilia, which are long thin cylindrical structures in our olfactory ... -
Editorial (english)
(2021) -
Editorial (Español)