Serie N° 77: Principales factores asociados al estrés laboral de los bibliotecólogos en Chile.
The labor stress Is present every day in the modern society, and the professionals of information sciencia by the emotional exhaustion, which is present every day. The present research enter upon the main factor that effect their health, as well as the behaviors and ailments sadden through the opinions of the same library science.
In this study the research the qualitative method through three techniques has been used (Delphi, Interviews in Depth and Groups of Triangular Discussion) those that served to resist the theory with the experiences of the social actors. Results are extracted among other points that they demonstrate that tensions in the work of the librarian science exist and that they are of organizational order. The necessity is observed to prevent this labor stress that is interlaced to the nonlabor one, being created a vicious circle and that must be individual and organizacional form. Of investigation in the area set out new line like for example: the labor health, the ergonomics and emotional intelligence.