Now showing items 31-40 of 51
When shape matters: using a simple mathematical model to estimate critical area sizes in conservation.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-08)
In the analysis of anthropogenic impact on the environment arises the question of whether the shapes of preserved habitat fragments play an important role in the conservation of wild species. In this work we use a very ...
Prey gathering may act as a counterattack measure against predators.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-08)
Two generalist predators not interfering with each other and hunting the same single prey that gathers in a herd are here considered. The system allows only two possible final outcomes, the prey-free state in which both ...
Respuesta Lombard Frente a Ruidos Antropogénicos Cuasiperiódicos: Una propuesta teórica-matemática.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-12)
Noise is a form of pollution resulting from the undeniable increase in industrialization worldwide. Anthropogenic noise can have negative effects on the survival of a species, as it can mask acoustic signals relevant to ...
Modeling macroparasite infection dynamics.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-12)
In this work we present a general framework for the modeling of the transmission dynamics of macroparasites which do not reproduce within the host like Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus y ...
Modelos Metapoblacionales y su importancia en ecología: más allá de Richard Levins.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-04)
The study of metapopulations has played a fundamental role in our understanding Spatial Ecology, Metacommunities and Biogeography, among other areas. Richard Levins, defined the metapopulation as a system of local populations ...
A metapopulations epidemic model and its measures for potential mitigation.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-04)
Strategies attempting to reduce the impact of Covid19 attempted harnessing available geo-spatial, demographic, and behavioural data. Such data has shown to be extremely useful for identifying drivers behind the transmission ...
Mathematical model as a management tool to analyze organic matter self-purification in reservoirs.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2023-04)
A mathematical model to analyze the self-purification potential of organic matter in reservoirs was developed, seeking to constitute a potential water management tool for easy application. Therefore, it was considered the ...
The complex and systemic establishment of interactions in the ecological communities.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2022-12)
The central question in community ecology is explaining how species coexist in a ecological community. In this tradition, individuals belonging to species constitute the biological unit on which observations are concentrated. ...
Estudio de un modelo predador-presa con tres especies y capacidad de carga variable.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2023-04)
This research focused on the study of an ecosystem in which two predators, Puma concolor and Lycalopex culpaeus, coexist and compete for common prey. This model also includes that the Puma preys on the Culpeo fox, which ...
Relevance of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) in biomedical sciences: sociological approach.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2023-04)
Significance tests play a very important role in the scientific community, and the biomedical research community is not an exception. This is due, on the one hand, to the widespread use of the test in scientific methodology ...