Volumen 1, n.º 2, 2021
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Modelación de la propagación de la COVID-19: contribución prospectiva a las políticas de salud en México a partir del R0.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)In this work we present results from epidemiological modeling to describe the propagation of COVID-19 in Mexico, at the national and federal entity levels. In the model we consider that the basic reproductive number, R0, ... -
Influencia del efecto Allee en las presas y de la colaboración entre los depredadores en un modelo de depredación del tipo Leslie-Gower.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)Usually in the real world the interactions between predators and their prey are influenced by several behaviors of both prey and predators. Collaboration or cooperation between predators is one of these behaviors, which ... -
Efecto de una mortalidad diferenciada por rasgos fenotípicos sobre la distribución genotípica: un modelo impulsivo para el caso mendeliano.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)A diploid, closed, panmictic population that supports a Malthusian growth model is compartmentalized according to its genotype, for a specific locus, into three subpopulations: two homozygous and one heterozygous. Under ... -
When optimal is not the best: Cost-effectiveness analysis for HPV epidemic models.
(Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana., 2021-12)For this, we consider a two-sex epidemic model for the transmission dynamics of HPV which includes screening, vaccination of adolescent boys and girls, and vaccination of sexually active adults. We first propose public ...